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Introduction of several grain screening machinery

發(fā)布:suycxadp 瀏覽:827次

  China's grain screen products, with air separation, screening, screening of wind, wind screen hole, hole, specific gravity, wind screen proportion portfolio selection, selection of photoelectric, plate, spiral separator etc. more than ten kinds of dozens of products of grain sieving machine.

  Winnowing machine is mainly the use of particle sorting, critical velocity of physical properties in the air, for the grain cleaning and the preliminary cleaning, remove dust, light impurity, number of shell, flat valley.

  Grain screen

  The screening machine has a vibration screening machine, a plane rotary vibration screening machine, a cylinder screening machine, the main use of particle size (thickness, width) of the physical properties of sorting

  For the food processing center, seed processing plant, milling, rice and oil each screening operation, separation of small impurities. Air screen separator is winnowing, screening duplex cleaning machinery, mainly by using the material particles, characteristic size material critical velocity in air flow and particle screening.

  It is mainly used in the process of grain processing and cleaning, cleaning and removing the impurities and dust

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