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Importance of grain screening devices

發(fā)布:suycxadp 瀏覽:942次

  As the "digestive system" of harvesting machinery, grain screening machine has a direct impact on the cleaning rate, loss rate, productivity, power consumption and other indicators

  It can be said that the performance of grain sieve device on harvester work quality and harvest effect has a direct and great influence, even at present has become a bottleneck to improve the performance of harvesting machinery. Therefore, screening of new devices, reduce energy consumption, improve productivity and harvest effect, so as to improve the Economic Harvesting machinery the adaptability and reliability, it has a very important significance.

  The wind screen screening device, due to the mutual influence between the cleaning rate and loss rate, how to improve the rate of hand cleaning during the cleaning process, reduce the loss rate on the other hand, to find the best balance between the two, in order to achieve the effect of screening best, both to ensure the efficiency of harvesting, and ensure the cleanliness of the seeds that is a subject need to focus on.

  Many factors affect the wind screen type screening device in the cleaning effect, the present study for screening device of wind screen is also concentrated in these factors, including feeding rate, vibration sieve size and aperture ratio, angle of the installation of the sieve surface, the amplitude and frequency of vibration sieve, vibration direction angle, the centrifugal fan speed and outlet angle, the speed of cross flow fan and the installation position

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