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Fine screening probability of grain screening machine

發(fā)布:suycxadp 瀏覽:981次

  Obviously, the relative size of fine material is smaller, the greater the probability of the sieve, and the relative size particles of the so-called critical sieve is minimal. So in order to improve the screening efficiency of precise sieving grain, only increase the material in the sieve throwing times on the surface.

  Grain screening machine

  For the general rotary vibrating screen, the screen surface can be extended, so that the size of the rotary vibrating screen machine is increased, the weight of the screen is increased, and the energy consumption is increased

  The screen surface area increases with the increase of the radius of the square relationship, so the material movement trajectory is long, quickly spread, thin layer, high screening efficiency

  Coupled with the rotary vibration sieve for space movement, the vibration of the material so that loose, tumble, layered, but also conducive to improve the screening efficiency

  The characteristics of the screening of the vibration sieve, so that it becomes the most accurate screening of fine particles of fine screening machine

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