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Structural design features of rotary vibrating screen

發(fā)布:suycxadp 瀏覽:950次

  Rotary vibration sieve through the mechanical structure design of special realization principle to follow artificial screening, fusion of Hand sieving action surface level shaking and vertically moving the winnow 2 forms, increases the tangential throwing winnow movement.

  Rotary vibrating screen

  Various forms of movement after adjustment and favorable combination, can realize the uniform distribution of the material in the sieve, throw out reasonable spiral three-dimensional complex movement, all round sieve used effectively, improve the screening efficiency; to effectively solve the fine materials of the dry and wet sieving screen penetration problems.

  The eccentric, radial and tangential angle adjusting angle can achieve various preset movement mode suitable for many industries, different materials can be used as a screening effect; check screening, process system can be graded sieving; sieving granular or powdery material, the fine can reach micron level. Cylindrical multilayer sieve box design increase production, increase the number of different sizes of products. By adjusting the screen rolling parameters can achieve soft protective screening, screening is especially suitable for the individual special pellet material. Vibration swing motion forms the screen first appeared in vibration form, known as the domestic foreign vibrating sieve called the vibration swing sieve.

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