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Precautions and routine maintenance and maintenance of grain sieve before use

發(fā)布:suycxadp 瀏覽:995次

  Matters needing attention before use:

  1, the mobile screen machine should ensure the balance of slow

  2, install the electrical protection device

  3, check the transmission part is loose, especially the vibration motor

  4, check whether or not to tighten the screw, should maintain the basic balance of the sieve with the tire ground

  5, check the main fan, suction fan whether there is foreign body

  6, check the fan running direction

  7, check the motor screw is loose

  8, check whether the protective cover is installed, strictly prohibit the operation of the machine

  Daily maintenance and maintenance of grain sieve:

  1, regularly to the transmission part of the lubricating oil

  2, regularly check the main fan and fan bolt, bearing

  3, bearings, bushings abnormal sound timely replacement

  4, regular cleaning of the screen, sheet, cleaning scale hole platform with a steel brush or winnowing screw knife, keep the winnowing platform ventilation.

  5, the failure should be resolved in a timely manner, accessories should choose the original accessories

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